Awaken your True Self
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Wants vs needs
© | lubaina

What we want vs what we need - The Ego and the Soul

Why is it that what we need and what we want are diametrically opposite to each other? Like that relationship we keep chasing after or that job that if we got, would finally make us happy. But then that relationship slips away and that job is given to someone else, and we are forced then to accept reality and to let go of our notions of what we want. And when we truly let go, something else comes in and we slowly find that it works better than what we wanted, because it fulfills our needs.

Our minds will always push us towards controlling a situation, trying to make things fit the structure of what we want. So the illusion we had in the first place about having any control, was exactly that, an illusion. A trick played by our minds in cahoots with the ego. I believe that the reason why there is such a difference between what we want and what we need is because what we want comes from our ego, and what we need is already deep within us as a part of our immortal souls. Once we surrender to this process and let go, what is already within us can manifest into being, showing up as what we need.

Even more interesting is that once we surrender to what we need, we can actually have what we want. We are meant to live in joy and be happy. Happiness connects us to the vibration of love and this leads us to then actually experiencing this love manifested in our lives. And once we surrender to love showing up as all that is, there is nothing but love and our empty cups are filled with the force and power of this love, quenching our thirst in a way we never even believed was possible.

What you seek is seeking you.

I believe that one of the reasons as to why we might have a hard time getting what we want is because our wants are coming from our ego, from our animal natures. This lower, more primal part of us is what creates our cravings and aversions and left to it's own devices, it has desires of all kinds that can never be satiated. What we need on the other hand, is more coming from our souls, the deeper part of our beings that is aligned with God and a divine plan. This part of us never wants anything, because it is always connected to everything. The higher wisdom of our soul will always bring to us people and experiences that we need for our movement towards enlightenment.

So I encourage you to stop chasing what you want, and surrender to what you need. Then you never know, what you want might start chasing you.

Do you feel like you are blocked in your life? Do you find yourself in a pattern of wanting and desiring and being unable to create the life you want? Would you like to break free of what holds you back and align yourself to your best life possible?
