Awaken your True Self
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© | lubaina

The Energy Body and Chakra System for Beginners

Chakras are energy centers located within or around the body; each with its own qualities and attributes. The interesting thing about this energetic anatomy, is that each ancient tradition has some version or system referring to it. I like to say that 90% of a human being is in the unseen world. I mean the only thing we can see is the physical body, and that makes up a mere fraction, and a deceiving one at that, of how we present ourselves to the world.
Wants vs needs
© | lubaina

What we want vs what we need - The Ego and the Soul

Why is it that what we need and what we want are diametrically opposite to each other? Like that relationship we keep chasing after or that job that if we got, would finally make us happy. But then that relationship slips away and that job is given to someone else, and we are forced then to accept reality and to let go of our notions of what we want. And when we truly let go, something else comes in and we slowly find that it works better than what we wanted, because it fulfills our needs.
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© | lubaina

New Moon in Taurus, May 4th, 2019 ~ Rising Above Resistance

The new moon tonight in Taurus is a grounding, reality check inducing, and let’s get our heads in order kind of new moon. After the action packed fiery month of April, full of retrogrades and beginnings and endings, we are now in the earthy, sensuous domain of Taurus. The beauty of this new moon is that we have the opportunity to really feel like we are in our bodies, and connect to our physical reality — the body is not separate from the spirit, but rather a vessel created by it, and so our bodies have the capacity to give us messages about the condition of our minds, our emotions and spiritual progress. This new moon in Taurus is a good time to check in with how you are feeling in the vessel you are inhabiting. What is your energy level? Do you feel pain anywhere? If so, this is the time to go into the message behind that pain and discover what is at the root cause of it. What are your holding patterns in your body and where do you feel tension? All this is body talk for your state of mind and your emotional wellbeing; so use this information to your advantage to dig deep, release and heal. This is an opportunity to access deeper parts of your being through feeling your body.
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© | lubaina

Chasm: Through the Abyss into the Light and Why I do Yoga

Sometimes you go into something expecting to learn how to do something and in the process you learn more about yourself than you thought was possible.I am currently enrolled in a Yoga Teacher Training that is changing my life on many levels. This training at Laughing Lotus NYC is exactly what I could have ever asked for in a yoga school — it is spiritually based, yet grounded and challenging. I am learning more about myself than I ever thought I would. Recently we were given an assignment with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Each of us got a sutra which we were supposed to research and prepare as a presentation for the whole group by personalizing it and finding out how it comes alive in our own lives. It seemed like a creative way to learn these ancient teachings.

The sutra that I picked (randomly with my eyes closed from an envelope) was ‘tamas’ which is one of the ‘gunas’ or qualities of
Prana or universal life force. The concept of tamas can be interpreted as heaviness, inertia, dullness or darkness. The other two gunas are ‘rajas’ - action, activity, a dynamic force of movement and ‘sattva’ - tranquility, purity, light and perception. The play of all three gunas gives rise to and maintains all of Creation. Without any one of them, life as we know it would not exist.
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Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

Pink Moon in Libra April 19th, 2019: Leaning into discomfort

A full moon happens when the sun and moon are opposite to each other. Usually a full moon has more of an energetically charged emotional body than a new moon. Tonight we have a full moon in 29 degree Libra, interestingly it is the second full moon in Libra within one month. The 29th degree in astrology is called an anaretic degree, which has the energy of a process of evolution of something ending or the end of one form transforming into another. So the first half of this full moon has the Venusian energy of Libra, and the second half propels us into the Martian energy of Scorpio, the sign of the next full moon. These are two very different signs, one an air sign and the other water. But this full moon reflects the rest of the planetary alignment and energetic makeup.
Movement as medicine
© | lubaina

Movement as Medicine

Movement helps move energy, meditation helps build energy. Mindful movement is meditation in motion. We can use movement to release emotions, destress and achieve a sense of balance and harmony. Without movement energy stagnates in our body and we feel fatigued and uneasy. This is why mindful practices such as Yoga, Tai Chi and Han Su Do have such beneficial effects on our being.
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