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Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

Pink Moon in Libra April 19th, 2019: Leaning into discomfort

A full moon happens when the sun and moon are opposite to each other. Usually a full moon has more of an energetically charged emotional body than a new moon. Tonight we have a full moon in 29 degree Libra, interestingly it is the second full moon in Libra within one month. The 29th degree in astrology is called an anaretic degree, which has the energy of a process of evolution of something ending or the end of one form transforming into another. So the first half of this full moon has the Venusian energy of Libra, and the second half propels us into the Martian energy of Scorpio, the sign of the next full moon. These are two very different signs, one an air sign and the other water. But this full moon reflects the rest of the planetary alignment and energetic makeup.
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