Awaken your True Self
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Solar Eclipse December 2021 ~ Expanded Consciousness & Overload of Information

Unless you live under a rock, you have probably heard that there is a total solar eclipse tonight under the new moon in Sagittarius. While this eclipse is only visible from the south most parts of the world, such as Antartica, which will suddenly be cast into darkness during the eclipse, its effects will be felt globally in the collective consciousness on an energetic level.

Let’s dive right into our astro update and talk about the tune the planets are singing for this eclipse.

First of all, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, thereby casting a shadow on the Earth. In a manner of speaking, it appears as though the ‘Moon has eaten up the Sun'.

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Photo by Bryan Goff on Unsplash

Summer Solstice and Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse - Freedom Lies Within

Happy Summer Solstice friends! The solstice goes exact today at 5:44pm EDT, ringing in the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere as we rejoice in the beginning of summer. The ancients believed that the solstice was a time when the veils between the worlds thinned and this year we also have a solar eclipse on the night of the solstice, which happens about every 40 years or so, and adds a potent punch to this already magical time.

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Photocredit NASA/Hinode/XRT

December 26th Solar Eclipse in Capricorn ~ Be the Cause, not the Effect

Tonight at 12:13am we have an annular or ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse. This occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, but the isn’t able to cover it completely, leaving a ring of light around the eclipsed Sun. Solar eclipses are always a powerful energetic time bringing to light things that usually remain in the shadows. Astrologically, this particular solar eclipse has a vibrant quality to it due to the planetary alignments it makes.

Eclipses and retrogrades
© | lubaina

The Stars are talking — July, the month of Eclipse Season and Retrograde Planets

In the last couple of days I have received some frantic messages from friends and clients alike who have said ‘I read online that this solar eclipse is going to be intense and then next week we have five planets going retrograde, what is your advice on how to handle this??’
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