Awaken your True Self
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The Spiritual Dimension is the Source of Life

The source of everything in our world comes from a deeper source within us. When we tap into that source, that part of us that is eternal and ever present, we are able to experience a level of happiness and fulfillment that might otherwise allude us. Matter also springs from this very source, and by itself is subject to the law of birth and death.

So if we solely identify ourselves with our material lives, something will always seem to be missing. This is not to say that our earthly lives have no meaning to them, but rather that aligning our earthly lives to our spiritual lives gives us a sense of deeper purpose and happiness.

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Bodywork and the Four Paths of Yoga

When most people think about moving their body, they inevitably think about working out, or exercising. That is also how most people think about Yoga in the West, they associate it with fitness, becoming more flexible, stronger. There are no shortages of videos promoting the benefits of Yoga as a workout, as a way to destress and maybe find some relaxation at the end of the class lying down for a few minutes on the mat. This approach to yoga while a good start, is one-dimensional and is only the tip of the iceberg.

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Connecting to Your True Self

While we are in our bodies, we tend to attach ourselves to identities that have to do with form. We think of ourselves as our names, our job titles, or the strongest attachments we have are to our roles in our relationships — mother, daughter, sister, brother, father, wife, lover, friend, teacher and so on. Similarly we project onto others the identity of the roles they play in our lives. The stronger our attachment to these identities, the greater difficulty we have in remembering our true essence, the innermost part of our being.

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Yoga as a Spiritual Practice

When most people think about moving their body, they inevitably think about working out, or exercising. That is also how most people think about Yoga in the West, they associate it with fitness, becoming more flexible, stronger. There are no shortages of videos promoting the benefits of Yoga as a workout, as a way to destress and maybe find some relaxation at the end of the class lying down for a few minutes on the mat. This approach to yoga while a good start, is one-dimensional and is only the tip of the iceberg.

Let go and live
© | lubaina

Letting go for Dear Life

I think we are all familiar with the concept of holding on for dear life. Interestingly enough, the phrase really comes from facing a life or death situation, when holding on equals life and letting go equals death. It’s quite poetic then that often when we are metaphorically holding on to something for dear life, whether it be a belief, relationship, job or a way of being; letting go of that can actually create more opportunity for living.
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© | lubaina

Negative Thoughts - A Key to Healing and Freedom

According to people who have taken the time to research these things, we have about 60,000 thoughts per day. And out of these 60,000 thoughts, 80% are negative. So it’s safe to say that avoiding negative thoughts is a near impossible feat. I think as human beings, it is part of our nature to push away darkness or hide from it.
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© | lubaina

The Energy Body and Chakra System for Beginners

Chakras are energy centers located within or around the body; each with its own qualities and attributes. The interesting thing about this energetic anatomy, is that each ancient tradition has some version or system referring to it. I like to say that 90% of a human being is in the unseen world. I mean the only thing we can see is the physical body, and that makes up a mere fraction, and a deceiving one at that, of how we present ourselves to the world.
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