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Fall Equinox 2019 ~ The Obstacle is the Way

Tonight at 3:50am EST, the sun is going to move into the sign of Libra, signifying the start of fall, (even though in New York City it’s going to be 90 degrees tomorrow..thank you climate change).
Equinoxes are the two times during the year when the day and night are equal in length. After the fall equinox, the days get shorter and the nights longer as we go into winter. The shift is from the bustling activity of the summer to the slower more introspective time of preparing for the cold winter. In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, fall is considered
Vata season, a time when there is a predominance of air element and prana (the vital breath, the subtle essence of life) is abundant in the atmosphere. Autumn is dry, rough, windy, erratic, cool, subtle, and clear..all Vata qualities.

Nature shows us that fall is a time of transition as the leaves change colors and fall away. Our bodies also show signs of change as we adapt to the shift around us. You may be feeling like your sleep patterns or appetite is changing, or that your immune system is working harder, you may feel like you need less or more exercise, and you may find it harder to focus or may be drifting into daydreams. All these are qualities of the
Vata dosha making it’s presence known.

Astrologically, the chart of the Fall equinox gives us directions and indications of the energetic quality of this season. For starters, for the first time since June, there are a number of planets in an air sign, specifically Libra. So we are moving from the earthy Virgo energy to the more subtle airy Libra vibes. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in Libra for the fall equinox, with Mercury being conjunct to Venus. As Libra season rolls in, we naturally start paying more attention to our partners and partnerships. However, the Moon is in Cancer making a square aspect to both Mercury and Venus while trining Neptune. These planetary configurations say that while we might feel the increased need for partnership in our lives, emotionally we might have to clear out some gook before we can enjoy the romance and bliss.

Of course Libra’s ruler, Venus, also lords over money, and with Saturn squaring Mercury and Venus while opposing the Moon, security becomes a large issue for us collectively. If you think about it, the climate change movement has brought to the forefront the very real dangers that we face as a race, and needless to say this is something that threatens the security of our very existence. Saturn always gives us a reality check and brings us face to face with our karma and as a collective we are now being forced to look at the karmic debt we have accumulated with the planet we call home and our relationship with it.

On a personal level, these planetary influences will effect us in different ways depending on where they fall in our charts, however, the themes of partnerships, security and emotional desires in the face of reality all remain as an underlying tone for us. The good news is that Saturn is no longer retrograde (although Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron still are), which means that our resistance to reality is not as strong. Which brings us to the key to handling the energy of the fall equinox and channeling it for the growth and expansion in our lives at least we have Jupiter making a sextile to Mercury and Venus, which lends us some constructive ability to use these challenging aspects for the greater good. We do have to make the conscious decision and pick growth, and with Libra lording over the fall equinox, it might take us time before we do so.

Resistance is the key word here. Saturn is representing the resistance that we may feel to the inevitable changes that are coming our way. If we can lean into these changes and allow life to flow through us, we will be able to tap into the heart expansive energies of Libra and Venus. If we can stop resisting any emotional or mental pattern that shows up in the way we conduct our relationships, we will be able to navigate the choppy waters and discover a deeper way of connecting. Most importantly, if we can surrender what life brings to us, whether it’s a challenge or a gift, we will be able to find the path that leads us to grace.

The last few days brought us some beautiful days with a hint of fall in New York city. As I was riding my bike along the West side highway, I was overtaken by the beautiful pattern of the leaves falling from the trees. Each leaf fell so gracefully, falling down in this spiral motion until it hit the ground. The trees just stood there, surrendered to the winds that took their leaves off. The leaves surrendered to the new dance they made with the winds. This is the kind of surrender we need to emulate going into the equinox. This kind of non-resistance is what will help us get clarity wherever we feel confused or constricted in our lives.

My advice for the fall equinox and in fact the whole fall season, is align yourself to the transitions. Detox and de-clutter your body and mind. Ayurveda advices fall as being a perfect time to cleanse the body through foods, herbs and other protocols. I personally have found the cleanses by
Dr. Schulze to be quite effective, and am currently undertaking the 3-6-9 Liver cleanse advocated by Medical Medium Anthony Williams. Detoxing the body gives us the reset and support we need for changing seasons, but we also have to declutter and detox our mind. Vata dosha when out of balance can aggravate the restlessness of the mind. But when brought into balance, Vata is responsible for spiritual expansion.

So to celebrate the fall equinox, do some pranayama, I recommend nadi-shodhana or alternate nostril breathing. Find ways to get rid of clutter around you and get some nature time, walk barefoot on the grass and connect back to the earth. With each breath you take, release resistance and surrender. And remember when you feel stuck, the obstacle is the way.
Want to know what the stars have to say to you? Book an Astrology Reading with me to find out what guidance the stars have for you and your life.