Awaken your True Self
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Super black moon in Leo
© | lubaina

Black Supermoon in Leo ~ What gets you going?

Tonight at 11:12pm, we have a new moon in Leo, a black supermoon at that. With four planets in Leo and the retrogrades still working their magic, this new moon asks us some important, yet impatient questions. Fire signs are all about inspiration and energetic movement within our mental, emotional and physical beings. So this new moon the question that comes up is what gets you going? Where in your life are you feeling all the motivations, or lack thereof, and why?
Lunar eclipse in capricorn
© | lubaina

Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn ~ Things are getting serious

So here we are, smack in the middle of eclipse season, fresh off our recent retrograde experiences, which including nothing less than a partial blackout in Manhattan after 42 years. The world seems a little bit crazy right now. In fact, I’ve had clients ‘regress’ into patterns they had left behind years ago, I have friends who are hanging on wondering when it’s all going to be over, when is life going to make sense, when will work not feel like enslavement, when will the world just give us all a break. In a nutshell, things are getting serious baby!
Let go and live
© | lubaina

Letting go for Dear Life

I think we are all familiar with the concept of holding on for dear life. Interestingly enough, the phrase really comes from facing a life or death situation, when holding on equals life and letting go equals death. It’s quite poetic then that often when we are metaphorically holding on to something for dear life, whether it be a belief, relationship, job or a way of being; letting go of that can actually create more opportunity for living.
Eclipses and retrogrades
© | lubaina

The Stars are talking — July, the month of Eclipse Season and Retrograde Planets

In the last couple of days I have received some frantic messages from friends and clients alike who have said ‘I read online that this solar eclipse is going to be intense and then next week we have five planets going retrograde, what is your advice on how to handle this??’
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© | lubaina

Negative Thoughts - A Key to Healing and Freedom

According to people who have taken the time to research these things, we have about 60,000 thoughts per day. And out of these 60,000 thoughts, 80% are negative. So it’s safe to say that avoiding negative thoughts is a near impossible feat. I think as human beings, it is part of our nature to push away darkness or hide from it.
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© | lubaina

New Moon in Gemini, June 3rd ~ Controlled Enthusiasm

A new moon occurs when the sun and moon are in the same sign and form a conjunction. New moons are a great time for starting anew. Under the dark moon, we have more internal clarity and can make better decisions. New moons are a good time for planting new seeds both within your mind as well as in the material world. Start a new project, take that new job, do something different to shake up your world and rewire your brain and mind!
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© | lubaina

Full Moon in Scorpio May 5th, 2019— What turns you on about your life?

Tonight we have a blue full moon in Scorpio (blue because of there being two full moons this month). This full moon carries with it an energy of transformation and the desire to go deep. Scorpio loves to go deep and with the opposition to Mercury in Taurus, the message is to dig deep into what wants to be expressed or communicated through you. In astrology the moon rules our emotions and our subconscious.When the moon moves into Scorpio, we usually are able to dig into the dark parts of ourselves. Sometimes this doesn't feel easy, because our pain hides in our shadows. But the symbol of the highest level of this sign is the phoenix rising from its ashes, and that is as powerful as it is poignant in that when we acknowledge and heal our darkness, we can rise into the light.
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