Awaken your True Self
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The Light gets Stronger ~ Full Moon in Cancer following the Winter Solstice - Dec 22nd, 2018

The winter solstice is the time each year when the night is the longest. During this time, we are pulled deep into our beings to explore the darkness that is within and find the light.Tonight we have the full moon in Cancer following the winter solstice of yesterday. From today onwards, the days get longer and we get more light every day. It is interesting to reflect how nature plays out the metaphor of the play of light and darkness within our own being. Often the lowest points in our lives, the darkest times are an indication of what is to follow, which is a time of light and happiness.

Don't fight darkness - bring the light, and darkness will disappear. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The story of light and darkness is one which plays out in our lives and it is quite beautiful that nature has a way to reflect the story that plays out for us in our lives. We can learn much from nature, and we can allow ourselves to open up to the light within. The darkness then, is a way for us to grow towards the light, for without one, we cannot experience the other. Today’s full moon has the gentleness of Cancer and has the energy of soothing our psyches. Cancer is the sign traditionally ruled by the moon, so lunar qualities are amplified in this sign. For those sensitive to its vibration, this full moon can bring waves of emotion and a certain level of moodiness. If this happens, it's best to go with the ebb and flow of these emotions and let them flow through you.

Other than the aspects to the full moon, the two other planets that are interacting during this full moon are Venus and Neptune, and they are making a harmonious trine aspect to each other, so, should we choose, we can tap into the high vibrations of Love that are within us easily under this planetary influence. Venus represents human love and rules our heart and Neptune represents divine love and rules our desire to connect with the ethereal and otherworldly aspect of love. This planetary alignment coupled with the energy of the solstice and full moon, makes today a perfect day to contemplate and meditate on the pure vibration of Love that permeates both our light and our darkness.

If you would like to use the energy of the solstice in a beneficial way, here is a nice and simple ritual to use during this time: light a golden candle and meditate and visualize yourself being filled up with the golden, life giving energy of the sun. Use this time to connect to yourself and engage in activities that bring you happiness and joy so that you may carry that forward into the new year, helping you create new beginnings as you leave the old behind.

Want to know what the stars have to say to you? Book an Astrology Reading with me to find out what guidance the stars have for you and your life.