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New moon in Virgo
© | lubaina

New Moon and Stellium in Virgo ~ No More Time for Mind Games

In astrology, a new moon occurs when the sun and moon are in the same sign and a stellium occurs when there are three or more planets in the same sign. This new moon in Virgo brings with it a stellium in it’s sign, with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Virgo. This is a very precise and interesting energy with an earthy, yet mercurial feel to it. Both the sun and moon are conjunct both Venus and Mars (although closer to Mars), so while the Mars conjunctions may bring out a combative energy, the Venus conjunctions soften the aggressiveness that we might feel. What it actually may translate into is a desire to express creativity through grounded action.

The other aspect that this moon makes is a trine to Uranus, urging us to make those changes that we want in our emotional lives and to do it with the discipline and preciseness of Virgo. This moon is actually a time when our hearts and minds can become one, if we allow our higher mind to be part of this equation. What do I mean by that? Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is a sign inclined towards intellect, however, there is a prophecy which says that the true ruler of Virgo is yet to be discovered. This mysterious planet (named Vulcan by those making predictions about it), is prophesied to be discovered at a point in human evolution when we are ready to tune in to our higher minds, i.e. when our consciousness is ready to be opened up to a degree of evolution where we use our minds for our spiritual progress, instead of focusing on our material lives.

So for me this new moon and stellium in Virgo is a time when we can channel that Vulcanian (word I just made up) energy and open up our minds to a higher level of consciousness by steering clear of mind games and achieving clarity through inner vision and intuition (Uranus). This new moon certainly presents the best time to start something new, to start work projects, writing projects, and interestingly enough, it is also a time where we can focus more on our health (Virgo rules the sixth house of health and healing). The downside, or warning that comes with this moon is that if we allow our worries and our lower mind to take over, we will surely experience physical symptoms. Virgo rules the gastrointestinal system, so be mindful of your thoughts and what you put in your body.

A good meditation for this new moon is to write or read and gather information that will serve you. Spend time listening to something that uplifts you, inspires you and programs you for positivity. Let go of those games that your mind likes to play that keeps you in the same loop and behaviors and allow your higher mind to bring in a new way of being that is lighter and more productive. Use your mind as a tool and let it serve you. And then, you will find that
‘There is a voice that doesn’t use words’ (Rumi) — and that is the voice of God.
Want to know what the stars have to say to you? Book an Astrology Reading with me to find out what guidance the stars have for you and your life.