Awaken your True Self
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What is Sound Meditation?

Most ancient spiritual traditions from the monks of Tibet and the gurus of India to the curanderos of the Amazon use sound as a means to alter the state of the mind. These mantras and chants have an interesting effect on our brain chemistry and research has shown that they activate parts of the brain that are usually associated with deep levels of sleep and dreaming.

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Photo by Mickael Tournier on Unsplash

New Moon in Gemini - Digging Deeper for Truth

Tonight we have the new moon in Gemini, adding to the already active planetary alignments for the month. With four planets retrograde including Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, this normally light-hearted moon is transformed into a far more inner-moving energy than you would expect from the sign of the Twins. That is the nature of retrograde planets in general, they reveal the ‘other side’ of our reality by bringing to the surface what is normally hidden from view.

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Connecting to Your True Self

While we are in our bodies, we tend to attach ourselves to identities that have to do with form. We think of ourselves as our names, our job titles, or the strongest attachments we have are to our roles in our relationships — mother, daughter, sister, brother, father, wife, lover, friend, teacher and so on. Similarly we project onto others the identity of the roles they play in our lives. The stronger our attachment to these identities, the greater difficulty we have in remembering our true essence, the innermost part of our being.

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© | lubaina

Astrology of May - Full Moon in Scorpio, North Node in Gemini and Venus, Jupiter & Saturn Retrograde: Time to Wrap Up the Past

We are almost at the mid-point of 2020, and what a karmic year this has been! Along with May flowers, this month brings several pivotal astrological planetary alignments. To begin with, tomorrow morning we have the full moon in Scorpio (exact at 6:45am). This full moon is a welcome change to the other moon cycles we have had so far, because even though it’s in intense Scorpio, it sings a sweet melody with the aspects it makes to other planetary bodies during this time. This moon is a supermoon, meaning that it’s very close to the earth and will exert its energetic influences strongly.

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© | lubaina

New Moon in Taurus — Chaos and Order

While the world swirls in the chaos brought about by Covid19, we can take a look at the stars to see what they have to say about what we are experiencing as a collective. Tomorrow night there is a new moon in Taurus. Usually when the moon passes through the sign of the Bull, it’s considered an auspicious time. First of all, the moon likes to be in Taurus, it’s exalted there, this is because earthy Taurus is said to emphasize all the best lunar qualities — fertility, nurturing, grounding. The moon, which is a watery planet, feeds the earthiness of Taurus and from there luscious new things can grow. Through the rulership of Venus over Taurus, there is also an emphasis on balance and harmony. So by itself, this Moon has the ripeness of fertility through which life is created.

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Getting to the Spiritual Root of Love Addiction

One day a few years ago, I woke up from sleep and as I dragged myself to the bathroom, I realized that I felt a hunger inside me that was coming from somewhere deep within. I sat with the feeling and eventually understood that I was feeling so empty and starved because I was starving for love.

At this time I was in an unhealthy relationship in which I was totally addicted to my partner. I focused all my time, energy and attention on him because I wanted him to fill up the void I was feeling. I was desperate and depressed because I felt like I wasn’t getting what I wanted from him. Yet, somewhere within me I knew that no matter what he did, it wouldn’t make me feel less empty.

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