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Full Moon in Gemini - It’s Time to Get Complete

Tonight is the last full moon of 2019, and numerologically it’s a powerful new moon taking place on 12/12 at exactly 12:12am. In Chaldean numerology, 12 is considered a mystical number. There are 12 astrological signs, and the Earth makes one orbit of the Sun through these 12 signs in the same amount of time that the Moon takes to orbit the Earth 12 times. The planet Jupiter is larger than all the other planets in our solar system combined, and Jupiter takes about 12 years to complete one orbit of the Sun. Jesus chose 12 apostles, each of whom are said to embody the archetype of each of the sun signs with the Master being the 13th one, and the one who has learned to master the signs rising above their karmic influence.

So needless to say, the full Moon tonight carries with it a certain energetic vibration that is quite powerful. From an astrological point of view, this full Moon in Gemini has quite an urgent quality of completion to it. Venus, Saturn and Pluto are all aligned and conjunct in the sign of Capricorn, which is a rare alignment, and one we need to look at closely to understand the effects of the planets on our collective and individual consciousness. Venus is the planet of love, femininity, sensuality and money. Saturn is the planet of restriction, contraction and karma. Pluto is the planet of transformation, death, sex and the underworld. When these three planets line up together, they create quite an intense influence on our collective psyche. As a collective, and also on an individual level depending on where these planets fall in our chart, we are going to be asked to look at these areas of our life. Love, sex, finances, transformation and blocks. These are the key words that come to mind in term of where we should be looking to consider what needs to shift.

Freedom and completion is something only we can grant ourselves.

The full Moon in Gemini makes a tense aspect known as a quincunx to the alignment of Venus, Saturn and Pluto, which can feel quite agitating energetically. Emotionally we are going to feel restless and in our relationships we are no longer going to be able to keep going on with what no longer works. Whether these are relationships that are healthy or toxic, and specially if they are toxic, we are not going to be able to pretend any longer to either our partner or to ourselves about what we are really ready to let go of. There is a particularly strong Saturnian influence right now and around this Moon, which makes it quite challenging because Saturn loves to put us to task. The key is to not resist what comes up and to be willing to look at what we are creating through our words or actions that is not authentic. Any relationships where the ego is playing its games, is going to be tested and it is going to be up to you to decide if you want to give up those games and come truly from your heart. If you do, Pluto will support you in this transformation and you will experience a death of your old ways, making way for the new.

The other area of life that may come under scrutiny are finances. Money is energy and how we create the flow of that energy in our life is going to be tested by these planetary influences as Saturn has us ask the hard questions of not only how to we spend our money, but almost even more importantly, how are we making this money? Is your labor one of love (Venus)? Is it something that brings fulfillment to you and others? Or is it one that just feeds your stomach, your pocket, your material needs and even your ego? If its the latter, then you will be given an opportunity to look and make changes. Even the decision to create change is sufficient. If you resist or remain stagnant, there may be some consequences to pay in terms of how you feel and experience yourself in the coming weeks. The mystic Edgar Cayce, often called the ‘sleeping prophet’ defined karma as ‘meeting self’, meaning the consequences of our thoughts and actions are something we face if not in the outer world, then through the flow of those energetic imprints in our mind and body. And that is what you want to keep in mind as you feel the effects of this full Moon and the Venus-Saturn-Pluto vibrations. As this is the end of the year and the last full Moon of this year, the best question to ask is where is it that you can get complete, and what will it take for you to leave the past behind so that you can create from a space of emptiness?

To answer this question, I am looking to the planet Neptune, the planet of divine and higher love and mystical experiences. Neptune is making a tense square aspect to both the Sun and the Moon, while making a harmonious aspect to Venus, Saturn and Pluto. This is the translation of this astrological lingo — there is a stirring of emotions within our being that are creating a movement which can lead to an ego death if we allow it. In order for this ego death to happen, we have to be willing to leave behind any notions and attachments we have created that keep us stuck in the same stories and patterns and prevent us from experiencing true love and freedom. If we are willing to look through the illusions (also the domain of Neptune) that our ego is creating, the false meaning and significance that it attaches to things, people and situations, and we surrender it all to God, to Source, only then can we rise above the pettiness of our smaller selves and align ourselves to our Soul.

The full moon tonight is creating the stage for the solar eclipse on December 26th, which has a very will start a new cycle for us, full of Jupiterian vibes of expansion. So think of this time before that next new moon and solar eclipse as the time to bring to completion what is holding you back from experiencing real transformation in your life, one that brings you the kind of joy that comes from knowing the love that lives in your Soul.

Want to know what the stars have to say to you? Book an Astrology Reading with me to find out what guidance the stars have for you and your life.

Want to do a meditation under the Full Moon to tap into it's energies?
Check out this Sound Healing Water Meditation by Lubaina